4370 Tujunga Avenue, Suite 110, Studio City, CA 91604 | (303) 335 – 0996 | Online Therapy Offered For California Residents

Cycles counseling

Welcome to Cycles Couples Counseling

Cycles Couples Counseling office

At Cycles Couples Counseling, you're not alone in facing relationship challenges. If you find yourself and your partner repeating frustrating patterns or struggling to communicate, it’s not without hope. Our approach, grounded in attachment theory and Emotionally Focused Therapy, is designed to help you understand these cycles and communicate in ways that build trust and intimacy.

Our passion is relationships. We’re here to support you in discovering new paths to connection and meeting each other’s needs more effectively. Whether you choose to visit us in Studio City or prefer the convenience of a telehealth session, we're ready to work alongside you. Start your journey back to a fulfilling relationship today; let's explore how we can help you rekindle that spark!

Finding the Right Therapist Matters

At Cycles Couples Counseling (CCC), we understand that the health of your relationship influences every part of your life. That's why we specialize exclusively in couples therapy, ensuring that we provide the most focused and effective care for your relational needs.

Unlike practices that offer a broad range of approaches, CCC is dedicated solely to relationships. Our clinicians are not just experienced; they are graduate-level trained with state-regulated licensures in Marriage and Family Therapy. We are proud to use Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), the most robust and evidence-based approaches available today.

Allyson Greenwood

EFT Therapist

Barbara Schwarz, AMFT

EFT Therapist

Kate Ettinger, AMFT

EFT Therapist

Max DeFrain, LMFT

Certified EFT Therapist

Haleigh Butler

Meet our Clinical Director

CCC Clinical Director, Haleigh Butler, stands out in the Greater Los Angeles area. She is not only extensively trained and Certified in Emotionally Focused Therapy, but is one of a handful of clinicians in Los Angeles who has achieved the distinguished status of a Certified Supervisor in Emotionally Focused Therapy. Her expertise guides our practice and ensures high-quality care for all our clients.

Join Us

Nearly all of the CCC cases involve couples, which allows our therapists to deeply understand and effectively address the challenges unique to couples therapy. If you're looking to nurture or heal your relationship, we're here to help. Learn more about how we can support your journey together.

couples therapy

The desire to connect with others is built into every one of us.

Loneliness is one of the worst feelings. It's unnatural and painful, because we are hardwired to attach and depend.

Don't get stuck in a pattern of isolation and distress. Let us empower you to process your barriers to connection and start to nurture your relationship with yourself and those important loved ones around you.

Your struggle makes sense, and we are here to join you in that dark space. At Cycles Couples Counseling you won't have to be alone anymore. We understand how this happens. We've been there and we can walk alongside you as you navigate the way to connection.

What's Your Negative Cycle?

Learn more about your relationship through EFT Therapy!

Do you ever feel like you and your partner have the same argument over-and-over again? Find yourself stuck in the same relationship patterns no matter who you date?

If so, you may be stuck in a negative cycle.

While often clients enter therapy because of repetitive fights over a specific topic like sex, anxiety or child rearing etc., therapists find that regardless of the content of the argument, the structure of the negative cycle is the same.

In Emotionally Focused Therapy, therapists help clients to identify the structure of this self-sustaining downward spiral--the more I____ , the more you _______ and off we go. The way we respond to disconnection and distress unintentionally creates more and that is the crux of this awful seemingly inescapable pattern.

By noticing this interaction cycle clients can more clearly separate this from their relationship and fight this common enemy together, rather than falling victim to the "blame game," and other forms of disconnection.

marriage counseling

Studio City, CA Office Location


4370 Tujunga Ave Suite 110,

Studio City, CA 96104



Monday - Friday 8am-8pm

Limited Sunday Availability